We are pleased to announce the 2021-2022 awards and recognitions that bring this school year to a close. NEHS Outstanding Chapter Award The Outstanding Chapter...
Category - Chapter Advisors
Helpful new tools, including a chapter checklist and yearly calendars, are now available on the newly reorganized NEHS website. The chapter checklist, also...
Please join National English Honor Society in congratulating our 2020-2021 John L. Manear Outstanding Advisor recipient: Cami Badman. Badman is the Chapter...
A reminder of a new feature added to NEHS Connect. Advisors may now create a spreadsheet, entering all of the information for new members in one document and...
A few questions have arisen concerning the impact of Pass/Fail grading systems that may have been imposed during this final semester/quarter of the school year...
We are pleased to announce that a new feature has been added to NEHS Connect. It will now be possible for Advisors to create a cvs file with information for...
Recently many of you completed a survey concerning potential, optional changes to the NEHS Connect system. Thank you for responding so thoughtfully; we...
To date, more than 400 chapters have filed the required Chapter Annual Report, due no later than June 28, 2019. Reminder emails will be sent regularly to all...
Recently, a number of chapters have submitted membership fees, having requested school or district financial offices send the funds. Unfortunately, the funds...
NEHS believes in educators and wishes to support them, particularly those willing to add even more to the challenges of 21st century education by eagerly...