As new chapters are added to the NEHS roster, we are often intrigued by the special names that chapters select as their unique “label.” All of those creative names have a “back story,” often narratives that are quite special. We hope to highlight some of those stories throughout the year; please share by sending a short blog to Here’s a recent submission from the Judith Novellino Chapter, Morris Catholic High School, Denville, NJ:
We chose the Judith Novellino Chapter since she is a former teacher here at Morris Catholic High School. She had a love for writing and did indeed write some short stories and poetry that she shared with her students. She later became the school librarian and the moderator for the International Club. These students lovingly treated her as their guardian and their grandmother. Unfortunately, she is no longer with us and this is a wonderful way to remember her, considering she truly embodied a professional at her craft.