NEHS Director

NEHS: What Our Student Members Say . . .

At the end of each school year, NEHS surveys its graduating student members to learn a little about why they join NEHS, what they do while members, and their post-high school plans. The 2024 survey provided the following, very interesting, results:

The three most highly ranked motivations for joining NEHS were listed as

  • the academic recognition provided by the organization,
  • their interest in English and English Literature, and
  • the opportunities for community service developed by individual chapters.

We were happy to see the mixture of both academic and altruistic motivations among those most highly ranked.

It was also gratifying to see that most graduating NEHS students had participated in a community service project during their time as a student member. Indeed, many students noted their community service efforts as the highlight of their time as a member.

Other highlights included:

  • having more opportunities to read,
  • the friendships generated among student members,
  • taking part in NEHS and chapter organized competitions and contests,
  • collaborating with other honor societies and student organizations, and
  • being able to demonstrate their proficiency in English and their dedication to the subject.

All surveyed graduating student members confirmed that NEHS membership will have a positive effect on their future studies and careers. Student members claimed that not only will the direct academic benefits of being critical and analytical readers and writers help them in the future, but that they would also reap the benefits of being able to work as a team, communicate assertively, and study effectively.

92.4% of graduating student members will be continuing their education at university. 4.4% will be attending a two-year college and 1.8% will be taking a gap year to either travel or work. The final 1.4% of our graduating population are, as yet, unsure of their plans.

The range of public and private higher education institutions selected by our student members for their future study includes Ivy League, Public Ivy, specialist institutions, and Land Grant universities across the nation and beyond. The breadth of subjects our graduating students will be studying is immense, ranging from the liberal arts, to social and natural sciences. Even more evident than in previous years are the wonderfully varied selection of majors, minors, and double majors that our students will take.

NEHS is very proud of the student members that it counts among its graduates. We know they will all go on to achieve highly and will prove to be not only worthy future leaders in their respective fields, but also critical, inclusive, and thoughtful members of our communities.

More from NEHSXpress: July 9, 2024

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