NEHS is aware that drama (both contemporary and classic) is slowly being eroded from high school English curricula. This creative challenge aims to engage...
Category - Creative Challenges
The first Creative Challenge of the 2023-2024 academic year includes not only an opportunity for students to read poems by US Poet Laureate Ada Limón, but also...
This year NEHS received more submissions to each round of the Writing Contest than ever before! The work published here represents the most creative, thought...
The memoir Writing Contest has been the most popular of the 2022-2023 student and faculty writing contests and also the most popular contest ever! Our team of...
NEHS has been overwhelmed by the number and quality of submissions to the second round of the 2022-2023 Writing Contest. Students and Chapter Advisors were...
Fading From Existence Garret Stephenson I became “was” instead of “is.” Garret Stephenson is a junior attending Harris County High...
Participation in the Writing Contests over the past several years has far exceeded expectations; we are thrilled that so many students and Advisors are...
This year’s return to the Poetry Contest, encouraging members and Advisors to submit poems centered on various themes, was even more popular than it was...
le grand etteilla Kimberley Yasmine Dunn i. les amoureux (the lovers) under the bellies of chartreuse...
(the blessing of cassandra) Lindsay Beier “Sacrifice” patroclus was not stupid, he was not an unwitting accomplice to his fate from the moment he...