On October 20, 2019, the National Council of Teachers of English will sponsor the tenth annual National Day on Writing (NDW), built on the premise that writing is critical to literacy but needs greater attention and celebration.
National English Honor Society encourages your chapter to join in this celebration, recognizing your members’ passion for writing.
For the past two years, The Charles Dickens NEHS chapter at Saint Mary’s Hall in San Antonio, TX, partnered with NDW campus coordinator and English teacher Megan Soukup to create a school-wide celebration centered on the beauty and power of the written word.
Students from kindergarten to twelfth grade visited the gymnasium during their English periods to experience hands-on writing exercises. Guest writers and artists from the community shared their love for the written word by teaching students how to draw calligraphy, to type on turn-of-the-century type writers, and to wax seal letters the students wrote to their future selves.
If your chapter is interested in joining this initiative, below are some questions for consideration.
Will you celebrate the day with the chapter, or have you considered organizing a school-wide event?
Are there community members who would be willing to share their talents or resources with your students?
Could your NDW incorporate community service/activism (writing letters to soldiers stationed overseas, to politicians, or to school officials)?
How could you involve the community at large? Perhaps invite the local news to showcase your event, or have an NEHS member write an article for your local newspaper.
If you have any questions or would like help organizing your NDW, do not hesitate to contact NEHS Advisory Council Representative Breanne Hicks.
National Day on Writing
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Breanne Hicks
NEHS Southwestern Region NEHS Advisory Council Representative
The Charles Dickens Chapter, Chapter Advisor
Saint Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, TX