NEHS Director

A Note of Gratitude


In spite of the challenges triggered by COVID-19, a majority of NEHS chapters have been able to pay their annual affiliation fees; while NEHS, like most organizations, has realized a dramatic financial impact due to the pandemic, compared to 2019, 62.9% of affiliation fees were received this spring. Thank you! The extended due date for chapters needing to make the affiliation payment has been extended to September 15.

Understandably, spring inductions for new members lagged dramatically, with only 1,871 new members in May and June, compared to 4,841 in 2019. We look forward to a significant rebound as schools open in the fall.

More from NEHSXpress: July 14, 2020

Opening of Schools and Virtual Meetings/Membership Inductions
Optional Bulk Upload for Memberships
Sneak Preview—Flash Fiction is Coming